MeetU4 Shopping

Confidential benchmarking of your retail store


This is a service for retailers and store owners

Compare your stores trading performance to others in a secure way, without disclosing your identity.

See your sales compared to others in same geographic region, same industry, external statistics, demographics or other dimensions

Overlay external statistics, trends and surveys

Create your own groups to compare against similar retailers, such as Trade association members

Complete aggregate reporting is available for franchise operators

Meetu4 Benchmarks provides a rapid insight to your performance

  1. Your Store uploads summarised information, as much or as little as you want, as frequently as you want. There are multiple options for this, and not all require full disclosure.
  2. The statistics engine at Meetu4 anonymises, merges, averages, totals all available information
  3. You can see your store results compared against national, city and similar retailers (competitors!)
  4. The more information you provide, the more results you are allowed to see.
  5. Results are available 24/7, near realtime

Still more questions? FAQ


  • The first 200,000 uploaded sales/year - free
  • Each additional 200,000 uploaded sales/year - $10
  • Private groups cost $20/month per group.

200,000 sales is enough for a reasonably busy single store, at around 640 sales/day (6 day week)